Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Flashlight for travel

Rogify your life: You need to have a flashlight in your travel bag. Last night the power was out in our hotel. Everyone was very happy that I had two of these with me. Don't assume the hotel will provide anything for you other than weak light sticks.
This flashlight is made by Maglite. It is rugged, bright and has good features. Click the powerbutton once and you get the full 100+ lumens of light. Click twice rapidly it will come on at 25% power. For most uses 25% power will be enough and the batteries last much longer. Speaking of batteries this one uses 3 standard AAA batteries. Finally, this little gem is made in USA.


Many friends have asked about various aspects of my life. Now I am starting this blog to discuss philosophy, gadgets and life in general. If you are ready to rogify your life, climb aboard and hold on.