Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rogify your life: When trouble is coming be sure to have a good weather radio. This model by Midland will alert you to all manner of problems in the area. It also can serve as an alarm clock and lets you listen to Car Talk on the weekend.  Battery backup keeps it set to the right time. 

Find this radio on Amazon. 
Rogify your life: At least one of your financial institutions should be a credit union or local bank that is not part of a national chain. Save your money to buy cool gadgets, don't pay fees to a bank and minimize the amount of  interest you pay.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

There you are, waiting at the bar for your friends at the end of the long day.  Are they here yet?  They will text when they get here.  One problem.  Your phone has just dropped into the barberpole battery.  You have maybe 5 minutes left and then your friends won't be able to find you.  What do you do?

From your pocket you pull out this handy little battery.  Plug your USB cable into the USB out port and into your phone.  It will give you about another hour or two.  Power will transfer from the battery to your phone and then you can unplug it and put it away.

Scan those reciepts

When traveling you probably get an entire spate of paperwork. If you want to have them for later you may use some of that hotel room downtime to run these receipts through the Neat Receipts portable scanner. The software can either save an image of the receipt or create a pdf of a document.

Even small slips of paper can be easily scanned. It is very compact and fits in your bag. Scan on the go and don't worry that you might loose the receipt for that $20 coffee.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Your friends bad decisions.

We all make bad decisions (I am no exception). As most people know I have a bit of a "knight in shining armor" complex. I have a natural desire to help my friends and "rescue them". I see my friends doing many things that I think should be done differently. Sometimes it as simple as not owning a fire extinguisher.

But often there is a friend that is going out with someone you know is bad for them. You know it. Your other friends know it. You have tried to drop hints, or even come right out and said it. Now what do you do. Other times you see a friend putting money into something that you know will fail. They insist that they will do well.

This is where Rogifying your life becomes difficult. That is because to Rogify your life you need to relax and let them do it. That is right you must let go and not try to stop them. Your friends are adults and they can make their own decisions even if they are wrong.

If they ask your advice you give it honestly but don't try to go beyond that. Don't be passive aggressive. Don't try to drop hints or change their mind. This will simply alienate you from them. You will do more good by being close and waiting. That is because you need to be there to pick up the pieces when they crash and burn. The role of those that are Rogified is not to parent your friends but to be part of their safety net.

Rogify your life: Let your friends make their own bad decisions and be there to help them pick up the pieces.